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Shaping our future together.

Through consultation with the citizens and organizations of Barbados, whether at home or abroad, the Constitutional Reform Commission has been appointed to oversee the development and enactment of a new Constitution of Barbados. 

We will conduct this process through:

  • In-depth, multi-sector public consultation 

  • Review and consideration of proposals from the general public

  • Knowledge sharing and public education around the Constitution 

  • Conducting public awareness and engagement through relevant meetings and media programs 

  • Producing a comprehensive plan of action in 15 months, from the inception of the Commission

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The Charter of Barbados

The Charter while not legally binding, outlines citizens’ rights and responsibilities. It promotes the concept of active citizenship and is a guide for how people should treat each other and the country,

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The Constitution of Barbados

Your Voice Matters.

The role of the Commission is to facilitate public engagement, awareness, knowledge sharing and development toward producing a dynamic Constitution that represents and steers a 21st Century Barbados. 

To that end, every voice matters. At this pivotal moment in our nation’s history we invite every Barbadian at home and abroad to become craftsmen and women of our fate; to shape the Barbados we want it to be for us and for future generations, together.

Ready to take the next step?

Your thoughts and view on the current constitution, in writing or audibly, are what help this process a success! We need your voice.

Get caught up on past events.

Facts & Questions on the Constitution.

Prof. Velma Newton, CBE, SCM Caribbean Law Institute Centre University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus Barbados has authored a document of facts and questions on the Barbados constitution, commissioned by the office of the Attorney General.

“They have a mirror image of themselves. They have self-respect. They have a desire to move their country forward by their own devices. They are not waiting for anybody to come and give them handouts. And there is no unemployment.”

Errol Barrow