Submission 1

Sent: Monday, October 17, 2022 9:53 AM
To: ConstitutionalReform
Subject: Prayer for our constitutional amendments

Honorable Commissioners,
A short personal submission followed by a link at the bottom. It is worth a reading.

After nearly sixty years a proud citizen of this glorious island, through many trials and snares, yet continuing to grow from strength to strength with God’s help, I have come to a conclusion that I feel compelled to share. Despite changing times and ways of life, Christian Discipling and observing biblical principles has been the bedrock of our prosperous nation, continues to be key for harmony in society, a bond between communities and offers fulfillment to individuals who believe and choose to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Even if biblical principles go unrecognized by some secular individuals and different faith groups, and our government determines to allow some degree of religious freedom to exist in society, it is important that the beliefs of the majority of our Nation’s citizens be manifest in the constitution of our new Republic.

May the Lord of our forefathers, as expressed in our National pledge and anthem, continue to be highly honored in the future of our Republic. A few unbelievers, even relative strangers to our country, must not be allowed to negate the blessings of Almighty God on our land and people. It is a time for renewed vigor and commitment, to bring up our children in the way they should go, that they will not depart from it. We must continue to inculcate that worldview, demonstrated by the greatest teacher, while living with us 2000 years ago.

May the Holy Spirit be called upon, to lead us and guide us continually, with love one for another, toward reconciliation and with everlasting peace. For all who choose to make Barbados their home, and those abroad, May God’s grace continue to save us from sin. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, as we have been taught in the holy scriptures.


Submission 2