Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023
To: ConstitutionalReform

Attention: Mr. Justice (Retd) Christopher Blackman, GCM, KC Chairman, the Constitutional Reform Commission

Dear Chairman Blackman,

Please find attached letter containing submission to the Constitutional Reform Commission (CRC) and in response to the points raised in "The Barbados Constitution Facts and Questions" publication.

We appreciate the opportunity to make this submission to the CRC and commend yourself and all the Commissioners for the excellent work being done and the public outreach undertaken in connection with this matter of vital National importance.

We are praying you may be guided by Divine wisdom in your deliberations and may reach right conclusions and recommendations accordingly.

Yours respectfully,

March 28, 2023

tice (Retd) Christopher Blackman, GCM, CK Chairman, the Constitutional Reform Commission C otheDirectorGenera-Governance

2"Floor, E. Humphrey Walcott Building cnr.CullodenRoad&ColvmoreRock


Dear Chairman Blackman,

Reformof the Barbados Constitution

We write in representation of our conscience as Christians, and make our submission to the constitutionaReformcommissionasrollows:

1.The Preamble

We strongly uphold and support the inclusion of the reference to the supremacy of God in

the existing Preamble to the Constitution, and wish this to be retained as of paramount importance

Either the existing Preamble, or that recommended by the Forde Commission, would be acceptable, so long as the specific reference to the supremacy of God is retained.

2. The Supreme Law Clause

We do not suggest that the Supreme Law Clause be changed.

3. Citizenship

We do not support citizenship by investment.

We would agree with CARICOM citizens being accorded equivalent privileges to what currently obtains for Commonwealth citizens.

4. Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual

The recommendations of the Forde Commission on the Bill of Rights are supported by us.

We would not support the abolition of capital punishment as it is founded ni Holy Scripture. Capital punishment should however be limited to the crime of murder only, as provided for in the Offences Against the Person (Amendment) Act, 2014, and should be carried out as consistent with the fundamental Constitutional right of protection from inhuman treatment.

5.The Head of State

W e support the current system being retained whereby the President is elected by

Parliament rather than by the people directly, and that the Office of President should continue to be primarily ceremonial. We suggest that the present authority of the President to act in his/ her own discretion be retained, and we support the Forde Commission's recommendation that the President should hold office for one 7 year term.

6. Parliament

We support the Forde Commission's recommendations on the appointment of Senators, and that the two Houses of Parliament be retained

7. EXecutive Powers

We support the recommendations of the Forde Commission on this Section.

8. The. Judicature

We would suggest that the current legal provisions governing the Judicature are satisfactory and that there is noneed to amend the Constitution in this regard.

9. The Public Service

We support the recommendation of the Cox Commission that the provision of the Attorney- General to give direction to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) be repealed so that the

functions of the DP would be completely free from political control; the DP should however be free to confer with the Attorney-General on points of Law ifhe/ she so desires, but should not be bound to be directed by the Attorney-General.

We support the recommendation of the Forde Commission regarding Permanent Secretaries.

We also support the recommendations of the Forde Commission regarding other aspects of the Public Service including those related to the Office of Ombudsman.

10. Finance

We are in support of the recommendations of both the Cox and Forde Commissions that the PUblIC AccOUntS cOmmIttee P A C be given constitutional status and adequate resources anc its membership be expanded to include members of the Senate.

The Auditor General's Office should be allowed to directly recruit its own staff, and his Reports should be covered by Parliamentary immunity and privilege

In closing, we appreciate the opportunity to make this representation to the Commission. We are firm supporters of Government as our conviction is that Government is of God Romans 13 v. 1-6. We regularly meet with likeminded Christians and pray daily and at our special Prayer Meetings every week, for persons ni Government 1 Timothy 2 v. 1-3 that they be given wisdom, guidance and courage to do what is right in the sight of God and to uphold sound moral principles.

Our prayers accordingly are for all the members of the Commission that they may give right recommendations to Cabinet regarding the reform of the Barbados constitution, and that any resultant amendments to the Constitution be morally sound and upholding the supremacy of God.


Submission 12


Submission 9