Submission 42

5th November 2022

Constitutional Reform Commission
c/o Director General - Governance
2nd Floor
E. Humphrey Walcott Building
Corner of Culloden Road and Collymore Rock
St. Michael, Barbados

To: Constitutional Reform Commission
Re: Constitutional Reform Submission

Dear Chairman and Commissioners, Mr Justice Christopher Blackman et Alia,

The constitution of Barbados must protect all Barbadians. There is a growing number of bigoted remarks from certain sections of the Barbadian public that openly advocate for discrimination and even the “killing” of different minorities on the island. Barbadians should understand the importance and significance of representation after being the first fully developed slave colony of the Americas (Barbados Slave Code of 1661). We cannot afford to hold discriminatory ideas towards anyone. Having laws to protect and acknowledge everyone (eg. the Employment Prevention of Discrimination Act 2020) should be at the forefront of a modern Barbados and should not be frowned upon as it was during our colonial past.

Read the full submission below


Submission 131


Submission 41