Submission 54

Sent: Monday, November 14, 2022
To: ConstitutionalReform
Subject: (1)No access to IP by cops.(2)No to condoning LGBTQ+,no to same-sex marriages,unions, etc.

Good day to the members of the CRC panel.
There are two matters i would like taken into account and address conscientiously.

(1)It would be a serious breach of privacy if any security services (cops) had access to anyone's Internet Protocol, or IP address.No one's phone data should be handed over to cops by Internet providers to search through all of your private photos, addresses,videos,and phone numbers.I know all of you members here would NEVER want that experience.Therefore, l say NO to any legislation sanctioning this notion from cops and other security services.
(2)The Most Reverend High God created all things, therefore, no living entity evolved.Almighty Father created woman for man.Even the animals display more sense than humans when they want a partner to produce offspring...mankind doesn't have no shame when it comes to this abominable practice of same-sex unions etc.I say, NO legislation should be brought into being to condone/promote (1)same-sex marriages,(2)same-sex unions,(3)LGBTQ+,(4)gender fluidity.T whom much is given, much is required.God's wrath WILL descend on Bim if the powers that be, sanction this imported abominable lifestyle.Elohim be with you all.


Submission 55


Submission 53