Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022
To: ConstitutionalReform
Subject: Barbados Constitutional Reforms

Dear Sir,

Submitted are suggestions for constitutional Reform.

Please see attached.


The Commissioner

Barbados Constitutional Reform Committee

Dear Sir,

Suggestions For Constitutional Reform.

The following suggestions are submitted for consideration:-

(1) A change to the electoral system from First- Pass- the- Post to Proportional Representation. This system is being proposed because it is deemed to be more democratic as it better represents the diverse views of the constituents. For example, (a) Proportional Representation allows for minority parties to be represented in the House, (b) the number of seats held by a political party is determined by the number of popular votes received, (c) each candidate represents the whole country and not just a specific constituency and (d) no party needs to win a majority to govern, so more political parties can be represented in the House.

In addition, a party is allocated seats according to the percentage of votes received. During the last election held in Barbados in the month January 2022, the Democratic Labour Party gained 26.55 % of votes cast which under this system would have translated into seven or eight seats. Proportional Representation ensures that there will always be an opposition party or parties in the House.

(2) Appointments to the Senate – a change made so that the Senate would no longer be used as a gateway to Ministerial appointments. I am of the view that all ministers should face the polls and be elected by the people. In this way, he or she is answerable to the people and not just to the Prime Minister.



Submission 105


Submission 103