Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022
To: ConstitutionalReform
Subject: Request for meeting

Dear Sir

The attachment is a formal request for a meeting with the committee to discuss three recommendations for your consideration.

August 3, 2022

Director General Governance
Republic Constitution Review Committee E Humphry Walcott Building
Collymore Rock
St. Michael

Dear Sir,

Re: Request for a meeting: Political parties in the House of Assembly; rights of illiterate persons.

I write on behalf of the Non-State Actors Reparations Commission Inc. (NsARC) to request an audience with the Constitution Review Committee. We support the initiative taken by the UWI in collaboration with the Barbados Museum and Historical Society on their lecture series with the theme; ‘the road to Republic exploring 400 years of political experiment’. We acknowledge the fact that in 2027 Barbados will commemorate its 400th anniversary as a political experiment. It was the world’s first and only total slave society; a fundamental part of this political experiment was the practical experience and ideology of three worlds; a black and white world, a rich and poor world and a man’s world.

Those three worlds were supported by the Barbados Slave Code of 1661, which was the first legal action of the ideology of black inferiority. This was confirmed by Prime Minister Mottley on Wednesday, July 26 when at the occasion of the Golden Square commemorative event she reminded us that the Barbados 1661 Slave Code had influenced North America in its practice of the ideology of black inferiority.

Read the full submission below


Submission 73


Submission 127