Submission 7

Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023
To: ConstitutionalReform
Subject: On Equality

So as we all embark on this process called Constitutional change indeed I need to ask, are we writing one in this our present firmly designed to take us boldly forward into a new and better future, or one rather like the walking dead and rooted more belonging to the past?

<Redacted> be considered by the new drafters here as well, and especially on the question of protections and the necessary degree to which one must go and actually carve in stone on the pages of a Constitution.

There are today glimpses of things that simply unimaginable yesterday will ve1y much become the inevitable probability of tomonow. Machines, computers, robots and artificial intelligence. Once only the creatures of Science Fiction are now awoken How will our new Constitution treat to the rise of constncted consciousness and sentience beings? Will they be afforded the same protections and enjoy the same natural rights as us biologicals to existence as to be now so described prescribed?

The te1m "Robot" is actually drawn from an old Church Slavonic word robota, for drudgery, se1vitude and forced labor, i.e. a slave So as we now take for granted the legal and accepted international revulsion of slave1y how will this New document treat to "the rise of the robots"?

Now I well know for many of you what I am even discussing borders on the realm of incredulity, impossibility and even more stupidity. Maybe those will be ve1y much round the comer concerns for those far· more advanced (and confused) first World Countiies, we would never have to wony about any such unimagined things far less need to address as written down Trne, the example above maybe ,sti·etches a bit too uncomfo1tably far, but there ar·e decisions that I see being made by elected politicians that fundamentally happening would appear to violate the basic principles and standar·ds of (any) modem Constitution. And here, I speak to the right of identity.

"I think therefore I am" So why am I not free to be who I choose to be?

The Parliament of Uganda, at 84% a predominantly Christian countiy, has overwhelmingly (and more sadly enthusiastically) just this month passed a law that threatens with up to 10 years anyone identifies as LGBT (& Q too) Indeed even being just accused of such may find you well lost behind metal bar·s. It all but awaits the Presidents signature to so b1ing it into Law. Now I know there are those among us that in public will join in outrage at such a backwar·d move but in private ar·e actually smiling (and still doing who knows what behind their own closed doors).

But for the swipe of a pen a Politician can take away our freedom and basic human 1ight Didn't we most recently go through this all before when just being born a Jew in Ge1many could end with you in the Gas Chamber? Or being born a Uyghur in China may find you in a "re education" detention camp? Or being born black in ear·ly Colonial America and surely your destiny was to be a slave?

And here we have in a Black Countiy with a black majority ti·eating and oppressing suppressing a black minority in this most decidedly unchiistian a manner. So what has happened to the idea that not only is God love but he made love? That even u like the ve1y Angels he gave you and me free will and if it is anyone to condemn all that which he has imperfect made is that not solely his call and right to make?

And who are you to judge? Not even the holiest leaders of the Catholic Church in Rome I don't believe will (publicly) join in this absurd development.

So as we rewrite this our Constitution what most sacred values must fuither now be articulated? The right to be protected from either Left or Right but both stupid Politicians? The 1ight to be consulted and not just instructed insulted as to exactly where these elected leaders are really taking us, or as with BREXIT are we just being sold a bill of goods for the sake of a precious few to gain ( or retain) power? Will we be protected from preening and pomposetting politicians performing in

Par·liament and for sake of substance fighting an Opposition that 30 love isn't even there?

What will now protect us? But forever, may a God still save our Republic.


Submission 20


Submission 19