Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023
To: ConstitutionalReform
Subject: Constitutional Reform Commitee Suggestions April 14 2023

Dear: Constitutional Reform Committee

I was told that through consultation with the citizens and organizations of Barbados, the Constitutional Reform Commission has been appointed to oversee the development and enactment of a new Constitution of Barbados. I hope you read my letter and digest it. May it be food for thought and for action towards a better nation.

Prevent the deviant and abnormal LGBTQI…. Agenda constitutionally

Deviant definition

Deviant actions depart from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

Abnormal definition

Abnormal behavior deviates from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

  • Is our society deviating from the straight and narrow path and getting more chaotic? Is our society deviating from normal behavior? Is society getting worse?

  • If so, will your constitutional reforms bring potential solutions or compound the problem?

  • Are we a self-governing state with freedom from external control? If so, can the people have a national electoral vote that will reflect the will of the majority on the constitutional reform as it relates to sexual offenses and marriage?

By far, the majority of people in Barbados will vote for a marriage to be between an adult man and a woman. Tolerated, homo sexual relationships are seen as deviant and abnormal.

Marriage and Genders (Two)

  • 1. Woman

    • A woman is an adult female human

  • 2. Female

    • A female denotes the sex (of a human being) that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.

Your decisions will have consequences in the future. Are the constitutional reform committee members, staying on the righteous side or kowtowing to the abnormal agenda? When you meet your creator, will you all say, that you stood on the side of righteous and fought for a moral uncorrupted society. Or, will you sell your soul to Satan, for a few tails of silver or crumbs of bread?

#1. Specifically, can we make the constitutional laws congruent with the Sexual offense laws that make the following deviant and abnormal behaviors illegal? -

  1. Homosexuality

  2. Pedophilia

  3. Bestiality

  4. Indecent exposure to minors

Homosexuality: Being sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to people of one's own sex or gender. Involving or relating to same-sex desire or sexual activity.

Pedophilia is the adult sexual interest in prepubescent children. In ancient Greece, sexual deviance was so common that it was stated that “the only true love was between adult men and pubescent or adolescent boys,.”

Beastiality is sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal

Recently the buggery law was shot down and placed in the rape laws.

Can we not institute new laws in accordance with a new constitution to cover the will of the majority of people in our democratic society, through a national vote?

  • Can your committee modify the reformed constitution to support civil law that will make the deviant and abnormal behaviors of homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality illegal.


Over 96% of Barbadians, have a definition of marriage. Their definition is in the Oxford dictionary and theocratic institutions. The definition is that “Marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any)”

Barbados government should define marriage as based on mutual consent of an adult man and woman. Note 1: Adult means of legal age. Note2: A man and a woman is defined by biology. A biological man who does not have a womb, does not menstruate, etc., who identifies as a woman and wants others to support his delusion needs psychotherapy.

  • #2. Also, can you note in the reform constitution that marriage is legal between an adult man and a woman.

We should have a pseudo Secular/ Theocratic society

Secular: Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Theocratic society: A theocracy is a government in which government leaders are guided by officials who are members of the clergy (Could be inter faith) and the state's legal system is based on religious or moral law. Theocratic rule was typical of early civilizations. Many early civilizations reach a highly developed moral stage based on the moral law input from religious leaders.

Although, the Barbadian society appears to be secular, the majority of people identify as religious. Over 95% . This is reflected by the religious identities of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Rastafari, traditional African spiritual systems and societies. In all of these religious institutions, the norm is for an adult man and woman marry, although common law marriage between an adult man and woman is legal. It’s part of the traditional family paradigm that had been around since the beginning of human history.

Sexual deviance is not part of our culture as a people and it should not be included legally into our culture.

Deviant sexual behavior was never and should not be accepted in written law. Sexual deviants lead to and includes homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality. As Barbadians say “Government cannot police the bedroom” However, it should be stated that sexual deviant such as homosexuality, pedophilia and beastiality behaviors are illegal. These behaviors were not and are not a part of our culture. Unfortunately, it was part of ancient Greek sexual deviant culture.

If society succumbs to this global agenda; our children will grow up in a world where they are taught delusion as reality.

  • I ask you “Are you contributing to a society where abnormal is the norm, or what Barbadians are calling the new norm”

  • Can you put forth the possibility of pseudo government since most of the elected leaders, ministers and government officials claim to be of a Christian religious ideology? .

When we separate state and theology, we have corrupt, immoral despotic leaders. Most rulers of great ancient kingdoms had spiritual advisors and had a moral compass. Although the predominant religion is Christianity, I have seen interfaith services and committees where everyone agrees on at least the guiding moral laws.

  • Can those moral laws can be incorporated into the reformed constitution and be used to guide the country? It will cover corruption etc. gain, the committee can make that decision.

  • Can the constitution be reformed to let ‘the people’ have a theocratic advisory committee within government?

Prevent the sexualization and conditioning of children constitutionally

The government needs to police protect our nation’s children. Primary schools are under assault. Inappropriate questions and educational material. Children should not be introduced to sexual education until they have reached puberty. Preferably, in Secondary school. More so, children can have interfaith prayer based on biology. Thanking God for arriving at school. And a prayer asking for a safe journey back home. Even a lunch time prayer. train the child in the way it should go

Recently, I went to a primary school where children have to attend ‘Gender Prayers’ in the mandatory prayer, children go to the section that they identify with. Most Psychologist agree that over 90% of gender dysphoria cases are temporary and children grow out of it or are treated with psychological counselling and are normalized.

Gender Issues

Men who classify themselves as trans women are breaking national and world records in women sports. Because they are biological men. Women who classy themselves as trans men do not break any national or world records in men sports. Because they are biological women. I do not subscribe to the mass formation psychosis and succumb to the global agenda pressure to enable persons with mental disorders in their delusions, over reality.

Hold a national electoral vote on the constitutional reform laws for sexual offenses

Town hall meetings do not reflect the will of the people. Many people do not participate in town hall meetings. If we are truly a new democratic republic, we need a national electoral vote, where all citizens of Barbados can vote on the issue of the criminalizing or legalizing the LGBTQI… deviant and abnormal sexual Agenda.

  • #3. Can we have a national democratic electoral vote so that all citizens of Barbados can vote yes or no to the above fore mentioned items?

If you allow deviant behavior constitutionally, the snowball effect will roll down the mountain, enter the social intuitions which will have to comply and will crush Barbados morally. Religious institutions, business owners will be forced constitutionally to kowtow to people with deviant and abnormal behaviors. We have to look for solutions to our social problems. Not compound the problem. That is nonsensical.

Mental Health

Again, I do not subscribe to the mass formation psychosis and succumb to the global agenda pressure to enable persons with mental disorders in their delusions, over reality. There is also a global movement for trans-species. Where humans are identifying as dogs, actually eating dog food, and wearing dog collars. There is a global movement for trans age. Trans-age is an identity meaning someone's internal age is different from their chronological age, or physical age. AA news story was a man over 0 years old identifying as a little girl. He was trans-age and trans-gender. When will this crazy madness stop.

As a mental health professional, I can see mass detrimental consequences in the future.

  • Are you all vanguards who are going to contribute to the stopping of these madness movements knocking at the door of our society, by reforming our constitution?

Self-perception and identification can be subjective. However, Self-perception and identification must be in touch with objective reality. Not delusional social identification. E.g. A Barbadian with clearly African or Indian Ancestry phenotypical features, who identifies as Chinese is clearly delusional. If someone with no legal medical education identifies as a doctor, do we call him doctor and let him perform surgeries at QEH hospital?

They cannot demand that everyone perceives you in your delusional psychosis.

Remove political leaders & government officials from office , if they have allowed psychological or physical harm to our nation’s children by civil law supported by constitutional law

Political Reform should include a law that can remove of political leader or elected or selected official due to actions that are harmful to our nation’s children or morally corrupting. During their term in office.

Elected government do not have to consult with the people for day to day operations of the country. However, if an elected government has become tyrannical, too authoritative and the leader despotic and making systemic decisions without consulting the people’s committees, then the people can have a no confident motion and put the political leader, minister or government official out of office. E.g. Making someone a national hero without consulting the people. Acknowledging same sex unions without consulting the people. Allowing LBGTQI…deviant communities surveys that traumatized children. ‘Sexualization’ of children, which prepared them for pedophiles. This is to name a few.


A dictatorship is a country governed by a leader who is the absolute authority, and does not consult the people. A dictator is also a person who behaves in an autocratic (domineering) way. They can deceive (Gas light) people and make them think they are taking into account of the people’s wishes. In fact, they are not. Deceptions can be elaborate.


A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. However, a system is put in place to oust officials who are not acting in accordance to the will of the people while they are in office. Deceiving the people can involve shaping, molding influencing, controlling, manipulating and monitoring the opinions of the public. Should the constitution should protect the people against tyranny. Against a tyrannical government?

Barbados is supposed to be a sovereign state and a satellite of none. Another country cannot push an agenda down the throat of this sovereign nation.

  • Are we a democratic Republic reforming the constitution? Or do we have an authoritative tyrannical government?

Privacy of data and non-mandatory options. & Wireless Technology should do no harm.

  • In the reformed constitution, can citizens should be guaranteed the right of privacy and the freedom to redress infringement.

Citizens should have spaces free from surveillance, monitoring and tracking. For example, the beach.

Most citizens do not want all of their data linked to a digital ID Card. In a few external countries, parameters linked to digital ID cards include, drivers license, medical records, banking etc. Centralize Banking transactions are going global. This includes the ability to monitor ‘All’ transactions and also to block transactions.

Additionally, data is often hacked. In Barbados over 10 government ministries and agencies were hacked this year alone. Beyond QEH hospital, Licensing authority, Ministry of Youth, Sports and technology. Even with the best cyber security specialist. Even the white house and NASA are hacked periodically. It should be optional for citizens to have separate cards.


There is a global push to enable a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices. 100 country coverage 24 hours a day leads to electrical pollution. Unfortunately, a significant amount of independent research has proved that Dirty electricity refers to spikes and surges of electromagnetic energy traveling along power lines and building wiring. These are negative correlations between brain and electromagnetic energy. It also refers to the accumulation of dirt electricity as the thousands of wireless devices combine and magnify the electromagnetic energy.

Wireless Technology should do no harm. This includes SMART Meters, Wifi,5G and future generational mobile networks. There must be green spaces like beaches, national parks that are free of wireless technology.

  • Can the right to be protected from harm and the ability to prosecute companies and those in authority who are doing the harm, be included in the reformed constitution?

I hope the suggestion in this letter resonates with at least one person on the constitutional reform committee who will submit them for constitutional reform. Consequently, please consider a national vote on salient issues of sexual offenses and marriage at least. – Do not conform to the patterns of this world. May peace be with you !


Submission 7


Submission 18