Death Penalty 

The death penalty should stay. Currently the death penalty is not being used. However, it should remain in case there comes a time when the heinous nature of a particular crime demands such punishment. It is better to say ‘Here it is than Where is it. 

Government / Parliament 

There are currently 30 constituencies. The possibility of a tie in elections is possible. The constitution should spell out what should happen should such a situation occur. 

First past the post should remain in determining who forms the government. 

Where more than two candidates contest a seat in a constituency, provision should be made for a run off where no candidate secures 50% of the vote. It make little sense that the winner of an election is the candidate who fewer voters cast their votes for. Example: Winner A 700 votes, loser B 600 votes, loser C 500 votes. 

The opposition 

The whole section relating to opposition and leader of the opposition must be revisited. It should address who forms the opposition where more than one party other than the government, form the parliament. It should also address what happens when there is no opposition. 

Compulsory Acquisition of property 

Some stipulation should be added to establish a reasonable time frame for compensation to be made for compulsory acquisition of property. 


Submission 135


Submission 36