Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023
To: ConstitutionalReform

Kindly find attached a follow-up to Constitutional Reform Commission meeting. This is our contribution of our recommendations for the proposed Constitution for Barbados as a Republic.

Thank you for your time and attention.



Submitted May 24, 2023

This recommendation is submitted as a result of discussions at the Constitutional
Reform Committee


It is recommended, if a new Barbados constitution is instituted, that it includes a new elected office within the House of Assembly. This office could be called the Permanent Parliamentary Delegate for the Barbados Diaspora (or, for short, the Parliamentary Delegate or (PD)). The PD is envisioned as a nonvoting member of Parliament (akin to the Congressional Delegates, in the United States House of Representatives, that represent United States territories). The purpose of the PD will be to:

1) Represent and advocate the interest of the worldwide Barbados Diaspora to the Government of Barbados

2) Communicate and advocate the critical interests of the Government of Barbados to the worldwide Barbados Diaspora

3) Manage and utilize modern digital and other communication media to link the worldwide Barbados Diaspora to the Barbados Government and to the People residing in the home island

4) Foster community through communication and through social, charitable and information sharing events throughout Barbados and the Diaspora

5) Introduce and/or sponsor legislation in parliament

6) Participate on parliamentary committees and sub-committees (especially any that would impact the Barbados Diaspora)

7) Vote to pass legislation if, and only if, invited to do so by a simple majority of the voting members of the House of Assembly, and only with regard to a specific rule for a specific piece of legislation

The PD should be elected by registered persons who self-identify and who also qualify as members of the Barbados Diaspora. The Electoral and Boundaries Commission should manage and implement all aspects of Barbados Diaspora member’s voter registration, voting and reporting of PD election results, as part of the overall election of the House of Assembly (for Members of Parliament (MP)).

The advantage of a non-voting elected Parliamentary Delegate, over a cabinet minister, is one of perceived or actual allegiance. Because the PD is elected by members of the Barbados Diaspora, their allegiance will be perceived, and, in fact, should be to the Barbados nation and the Diaspora, and not to parochial political interests. This will establish credibility between the elected PD, the members of the Barbados Diaspora, the Members of Parliament (House and Senate), and most importantly, the citizens of Barbados (Barbadians will know that when the PD speaks, they are indeed hearing the voice of the Diaspora).

Recommended Qualifications for members of the Barbados Diaspora include (Note a member of the Diaspora should qualify under at least one of these provisions):

1) A citizen of Barbados, however should not be required to be a citizen of Barbados – can be a citizen of another country

2) A resident of Barbados, however should not be required to be resident of Barbados – can be a resident of another country. Note that Barbados citizens, residing on the home island, should be disqualified from identification as members of the Barbados Diaspora. This is required so that a Barbados citizen can not vote for more than one Member of Parliament (citizens must not be able to vote for their MP and the PD).

3) Should have hereditary or marital ties to at least one Barbados citizen, or person born in Barbados, or child of a Barbados citizen or person born in Barbados, of no more than three generations apart

4) Should have demonstratable business interest, property interest, family ties (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.), personal interest or general interest in the Barbados homeland

5) Should have demonstrated love for, pride in, or interest in the wellbeing and progress of the Barbados homeland, the Bajan people and the Barbados Diaspora

6) Members of the Barbados Diaspora should not be required to pay any tax for their status. However, if they wish to vote for the PD, then they should be required to pay a reasonable recurring fee, to the Barbados Treasury, as part of the selfidentification process as a voting member of the Barbados Diaspora

7) Should receive an identification card (not to be used for official identification purposes) identifying a person as a voting member of the Barbados Diaspora for a particular period of time


Please contact with any questions or comments.

Thank you,

And may God bless the deliberations of the Barbados Constitutional Reform



Submission 109


Submission 107